Nauru Population

Population Distribution

As of 2023, the latest population of Nauru is 11,000, based on our calculation of the current data from UN (United Nations).

Total population 11,000
Population growth rate 0.46%
Birth rate 24.00 births per 1,000 people
Life expectancy
Overall life expectancy 66.05 years
Men life expectancy 61.96 years
Women life expectancy 69.47 years
Age structure
0-14 years 31.18%
15-64 years 65.96%
65 years and above 2.86%
Median age 25.70 years
Gender ratio (Male to Female) 0.91
Population density 523.81 residents per kmĀ²
Urbanization 100.00%
58% Nauruians, 28% Kiribati and Tuvaluans, 8% Europeans, 8% Chinese
Christians (2/3 Protestants, 1/3 Roman Catholic Catholics)

People in Nauru

About 11,000 people live on Nauru. 58 percent are Nauru, so they were born on Nauru. 29 percent come from other islands in the Pacific, eight percent are Chinese and eight percent are European.

The Nauruan people are likely to be a mixed group of many other people in the region. Perhaps the ancestors of today’s residents were castaways who originally came from Polynesia and Melanesia. Micronesians, however, also lived on the island. Most of the residents are likely descendants of Melanesians and later Polynesians.

There used to be twelve tribes on Nauru. The flag of the country still bears witness to this today, because the points on the star in the flag symbolize these tribes. Two of these tribes are extinct. Today the island is administered in districts.

Languages in Nauru

Nauruan is the national language.

Religions in Nauru

Most of the Nauru people are Christians. Most of them are Protestants. 33 out of 100 belong to the Catholic faith. There are churches for all believers. You will only find a few followers of religious minorities such as Buddhists or followers of the Baha’i religion. Some residents of the island are still convinced of their original beliefs. Your supreme deity is female.

Nauru Overview

Nauru, a small island country in the Pacific Ocean, is renowned for being one of the smallest independent nations in the world and for its unique history as a former phosphate mining center. Its capital city, Yaren, serves as the de facto capital where most government offices are located. Despite its small size, Nauru boasts a rich cultural heritage, with traditional dances and music still practiced by its indigenous population. The country’s economy has been heavily reliant on phosphate mining, leading to environmental challenges, but efforts are being made to diversify the economy and promote sustainable development.

  • Capital City: Yaren (de facto)
  • Population: Approximately 10,000
  • Area: 21 square kilometers
  • Full Country Name: Republic of Nauru
  • Currency: Australian Dollar (AUD)
  • Language: Nauruan, English
  • ISO Country Codes: NR, NRU

Bordering Countries of Nauru

Nauru is an island nation located in the South Pacific Ocean. It is the smallest independent republic in the world and has no land borders. Its closest neighbors are other island nations in the Pacific, including Solomon Islands, Marshall Islands, Kiribati, Tuvalu, and Fiji. Nauru is a tiny country with an area of only 21 square kilometers and a population of less than 10,000 people. It’s main source of income comes from phosphate mining, which has resulted in environmental damage to the island.

The Marshall Islands are located to the west of Nauru and are part of Micronesia. The Republic of the Marshall Islands consists of 29 atolls and 5 isolated islands spread across an area of almost 750 square kilometers. The capital city is Majuro, located on Majuro Atoll. The total population is around 53,000 people who mainly speak English and Marshallese languages. Economically, it relies heavily on US aid for its subsistence as well as exports from fishing and tourism industries.

Fiji lies to the south-east of Nauru and is made up of more than 300 islands with a total land area of 18,300 square kilometers. It has a population close to 900,000 people who mainly speak English or Fijian language as their native tongue. Fiji’s economy relies heavily on tourism but also benefits from exports such as sugar cane, fish products, minerals such as gold and copper ore as well as timber products.


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